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Top 5 Items to Ask from Your Pharmacist

Top 5 Items to Ask from Your Pharmacist

When you drop by a pharmacy to purchase your medicines, do you take the time to talk to your pharmacist? This is a practice that is often overlooked. Perhaps, we may find that it is another time-consuming activity. Yet, what we may not realize is that pharmacists are also part of our healthcare team. As such, they can be of great help to you with regards to your healthcare needs.

But what do you need to ask your pharmacist? As a retail pharmacy in California, let us give these guidelines on what you can talk to a pharmacist about:

  1. Generic Options
    Generic medicines are the more affordable equivalent of your medicine. So you can save on medication costs, don’t hesitate to ask your pharmacist if they have an available generic equivalent of your medicine. They can advise you if your prescriptions can be replaced with generics or not. They can also increase your confidence that generic names are just as effective as the branded drugs.
  2. Side Effects
    In our pharmacy in San Leandro, California, we let our clients know about the information of the medicine they are taking. This includes the potential side effects of the meds. You need to be aware about these undesirable effects, so you can decide whether you will take that or have another brand instead. You can also ask a pharmacist’s guidance on what you can do if the side effect occurs.
  3. Missed Doses
    There will be instances that we can miss our dose. This is something that anybody can experience anytime. Ask your pharmacist about what you can do if ever you will miss a dosage. Adhering to the right medication intake is very important for one’s health and recovery. Yet, when missed doses happen, you need to know what you can do about it. The pharmacist is your guide for the right action to take.
  4. Medication Storage
    Consult with the pharmacist as to how you should store your medicines. Storage options are a crucial decision for your medicine’s potency. You cannot just leave your medicines around at home as they can put your family members at risk. Ask their recommendation, so you will know that your medicines are kept in the right and safe place.
  5. When to See a Doctor
    If the medication that you’re taking is a generic brand, it means that your doctor doesn’t know you’re taking it. That’s alright. Just ensure that you know what to watch out for to signal that it’s time to see the doctor. The pharmacist can help you make better decision regarding your medication.

At Medical Arts Pharmacy LLC, we work with you in getting the right medication you need for yourself or a loved one. As a medical supply store, we help you manage your medications and assist in your proper medication adherence.

If you would like to know how else we can help you, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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