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What You Need to Know About Opioid Overdose

What You Need to Know About Opioid Overdose

Pain is one of the many symptoms of a number of diseases. To relieve or manage pain, patients make use of a variety of options, including buying pain medications from their local pharmacy in San Leandro, California. For severe pain, they may go to their doctor who, in return, may prescribe them with stronger pain prescription medications in the form of opioid.

What are Opioids?

In relation to prescription medications, opioids are also known as painkillers. They are often prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. Opioids typically block the pain signals between the body and the brain. As a result, patients get pain relief.

Some examples of opioids are morphine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone, among others.

The Danger of an Opioid Overdose

There is a reason why you will need a doctor’s prescription before buying any opioid from a retail pharmacy in California. Their very function may also be considered to be a health risk.

When dosages are controlled, they can help provide pain relief. However, taking opioids in high dosages can result in certain situations such as slowed breathing, slowed heart rate, and even death. That is why the intake of these drugs is regulated.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are experiencing these situations due to opioid overdose. Such overdose may be accidental such as when they double dose on the opioid for a dosage they might have missed earlier.

It may also be as a result of addiction. It is to be noted that opioid produces a morphine-like effect similar to that of being high.

6 Tips to Prevent Overdosing on Opioids

To avoid overdosing in this potent painkiller, the following tips are in order:

  1. Make sure to take your medicines as ordered and as prescribed by your doctor or your healthcare provider.
  2. Know more about your medications and how to take them safely. Ask your doctor, a healthcare provider or even the licensed pharmacist in your trusted medical supply store.
  3. Never take your medicines more often or multiple medicines at once when you are not prescribed to do so.
  4. Do not mix sleeping pills, alcohol, or any other substances with your pain meds.
  5. Be sure to store your medicines in areas that your children or pets cannot reach.
  6. Unused meds should be disposed of promptly and properly.

An opioid overdose is a medical emergency. Call 911 or emergency services immediately if you think someone is having an overdose on an opioid.

For your pain medication and other pharmacy needs, visit Medical Arts Pharmacy LLC. For questions about our services, call us today!

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